Sept 25 – Oct 2 2020 7 – 14 Tishrei 5781
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson
The Rabbi and Board of Directors of our shul wish all a happy, healthy, and safe new year.
Please see our schedule below and our calendar for minyanim we will be having at shul. All times are subject to change. We are operating in accordance with the CRC guidelines. Masks and gloves are required as well as social distancing. Please bring your own PPE, as we have a limited supply.
We are having both the 7AM Hoffman Hall minyan and the 8AM Main Sanctuary minyanim for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. All seating is assigned with social distance guidelines, and the tefilah is abridged in order to limit personal exposure. You must remain in your assigned seats..do not wander.
Our Baalei Tefila will be doing all they can for this special davening during Covid times to make the Tefila as spiritual and personal that it can be. There will be no congregational singing. Tefila B’Tzibur is important to us all, but our safety comes first.
Candle Lighting time
Fri Sept 25, 6:22
Sun Sept 27, 6:18
Schedule of Davening:
FRIDAY Sept 25th |
Slichos 6:45 & Shacharis 7:00 at shul |
Mincha 6:30 at shul |
Shabbos Schedule |
SHABBOS Sept 26th |
Shacharis 9:00 at Shul |
Mincha 6:30 at shul |
Maariv 7:00 at shul |
SUNDAY Sept 27th |
Slichos 7:45 & Shacharis 8:00 at shul |
Mincha 2:30 at shul |
Kol Nidrei 6:20 |
MONDAY Sept 28th |
Shacharis 7:00 and 8:00 at shul |
Mincha 5:30 at shul |
Neila 6:30 at shul |
TUESDAY Sept 29th |
Shacharis 7:00 at shul |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
WEDNESDAY Sept 30th |
Shacharis 7:00 at shul |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
THURSDAY Oct 1st |
Shacharis 6:45 at shul |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
FRIDAY Oct 2nd |
Shacharis 7:00 at shul |
Mincha 6:15 at shul |
Shabbos Schedule |
Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Please join together “virtually” this Shabbos afternoon, 5:00 to recite Tehillim. It is more important now than ever that our community comes together for this all important service. May HKB”H answer our tefillos speedily.
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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨
This year on Yom Kippur like every other year we account for our actions and beg forgiveness. Subtly however, there are differences in approach and attitude. Because of covid some of us may feel guilty of not doing enough. Others may be dealing with the isolation or misgivings about not attending required events, visiting the sick, hosting company even including members of ones own family, or going to minyan daily. These are of course normal reactions but on Yom Kippur we internalize even more so. Our teshuva therefore should be directed at actions we are able to control rather than those beyond our capabilities especially in a climate of such uncertainty. In fact we should also account for that we did achieve as well. Despite the chaos beyond we managed to stay in touch. We davened at home to the best of our ability. We took care of our families in the best we know how. Our fervent hope is that this years Yom Kippur davening will strengthen us with a will to ask forgiveness, forgive others and pride at what we achieved.
L’shana Haba B’Yerushalayim.
Rabbi A. M. Abramson
To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading and think about them in our private tefillos. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Since we are not at shul with Torah readings, in your private shmone esrai, you can include in the “Refaeinu” paragraph a special tefilla for the cholim that you have in mind.
Members Corner:
Happy Birthday to: Yehoshua Saltzberg, Sept 28th
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our SEPTEMBER and OCTOBER calendars right here.
Yom Kippur will be ushered Sunday evening September 27th .
Please refer to the calendar for zmanim and follow all necessary safety guidelines as we are trying to create a safe environment for all of our members in the shul. Refer also to the upper paragraph for details on necessary etiquette.
Seats have been assigned. We are not equipped to have anyone under bar or bat mitzvah.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom
Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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