A.M. Online July 16, 2021


July 16 – 23 2021 7 – 14 Menachem Av
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Masks are now optional but please keep social distancing. We have resumed the 7AM Shabbos minyan! There will be no kiddushim until further notice. Please do not bring food products into the shul until further notice. We are not yet having weekday Mincha Maariv minyanim. For the moment, only children who will remain seated with their parents are allowed.

Candle Lighting time
Fri July 16, 8:04

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY July 16th

Shacharis 7:00 at shul

Mincha 8:00 at shul
CLT 8:04

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS July 17th

Shacharis 7 & 8:45 at Shul

Mincha 8:00 at shul

Maariv 9 at shul
Eicha 9:30

SUNDAY July 18th

Shacharis 8:00 til 10:30 at shul

Mincha 2:00 & 7:45 at shul

Maariv 8:30

MONDAY July 19th

Shacharis 6:45 at Shul

Mincha 8:00

Maariv 8:30

TUESDAY July 20th

Shacharis 7:00 at Shul

Mincha 8:00

Maariv 8:30


Shacharis 7:00 at shul

Mincha 8:00

Maariv 8:30

THURSDAY July 22nd

Shacharis 6:45 at shul

Mincha 8:00

Maariv 8:30

FRIDAY July 23rd

Shacharis 7:00 at shul

Mincha 8:00 at shul
CLT 7:58

Shabbos Schedule


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Please join together “virtually” this Shabbos afternoon, 6:00 to recite Tehillim. It is more important now than ever that our community comes together for this all important service. May HKB”H answer our tefillos speedily.

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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

Linked HERE is a summary ot the three weeks edited by my colleague at cRc Rabbi Yochanan Schnall

Last week as you all aware Dade County officials called off the search and rescue team at Surfside. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation led all to understand that there was no credible chance that anyone else survived the catastrophic collapse of the building on the famed street known as Collins Avenue. The fact though is that city state and federal officials made every effort to look for survivors despite the weather, danger, and vast struggle it entailed. We are proud of these first responders who determined that every effort should be made to save human life.

This Sunday we commemorate the most tragic day in the Jewish calendar Tisha B’Av. We mourn not the destruction of a building; that may be replaced. Rather we mourn the loss of human life that resulted from the two separate conquests of Jerusalem and the exile which costs millions more of human misery. As part of the kinnot we include elegies to those lost in the crusades and the Holocaust. We sit shiva as one would after losing a member of one’s own family.

This is the lesson of Tisha B’Av as we reflect on the tragedy at Surfside. The buildings collapsed; one by warfare, the other by deterioration. Yet it is for life that we mourn and for the future that we live and worship Hashem.
Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading and think about them in our private tefillos. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Since we are not currently making the Mishebarach at Torah readings, in your private shmone esrai, you can include in the “Refaeinu” paragraph a special tefilla for the cholim that you have in mind.

Members Corner:

Happy Birthday to: Avi Soloveichik July 21st


CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our JULY calendars right here.

Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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