Sept 20 – 27 2019 20 – 27 Elul 5779
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson
Candle Lighting time
Fri Sept 20, 6:32
Schedule of Davening:
FRIDAY Sept 20th |
Shacharis 7:00/8:30 |
Mincha 6:30 |
Shabbos Schedule |
SHABBOS Sept 21st |
Shacharis 7:00/8:45 |
Class 5:45 |
Maariv 7:30 |
SUNDAY Sept 22nd |
Shacharis 8:00/9:00 |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
MONDAY Sept 23rd |
Slichos 6:15/8:00 |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
TUESDAY Sept 24th |
Slichos 6:30/8:00 |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
WEDNESDAY Sept 25th |
Slichos 6:30/8:00 |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
THURSDAY Sept 26th |
Slichos 6:15/8:00 |
Mincha 6:30 |
Maariv 7:00 |
FRIDAY Sept 27th |
Slichos 6:30/8:00 |
Mincha 6:15 |
Shabbos Schedule |
Schedule of Classes and Shiurim
Sunday: Rabbi’s 15 min. Chumash class between Mincha and Maariv
Mondays-thru Friday
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch/parsha 15 min. between Mincha and Maariv
Monday Evening: Sheldon Kirshner. Chumash w/Malbim
Wednesday Evening: Rabbi Abramson- Rambam and Mishnayos
Shabbos Afternoon: Rabbi Abramson- Gemora/halacha shiur 45 minutes before mincha.
Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Shabbos afternoon, 5:45 at the Aronson home, 6743 N. Sacramento.
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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨
This Saturday night we begin reciting Selichos, the penitential prayers leading up to Rosh Hashannna and Yom Kippur. Chazal explain that during these prayers, Hashem so to speak is leading us as if Hashem is the Chazzan. Hashem dons the Tallis and we follow behind. How meaningful then to enter this period realizing Hashem is right with us as we seek forgiveness and support.
Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson
To all those who are not well. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:
Happy Birthday to: Hannah Wortman, Sept 20th
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our SEPTEMBER calendars right here.
HIGH HOLIDAYS: Please get your membership forms and payments in ASAP to reserve your PRIORITY SEATING in either of our services. You can pay with the link at the top of this bulletin or by check, cash or money order sent to the shul. Remember, you get one carry on and one checked bag with each reservation!!
Slichos begins Motzai Shabbos Sept 21 at midnight. Rosh Hashanah begins Sunday night Sept 30.
Rosh Hashanah we will have our Hashkama Minyan downstairs both days at 7AM, and our main Minyan upstairs in the Main Sanctuary at 8AM
Come check out our………HOFFMAN HALL: We have a very nice venue for your middle-sized events, right here at our shul! The Hoffman Hall, is available for rent for your simchos, OR KIDDUSHIM! We offer comfortable seating for up to 200 people, with a kosher kitchen under the supervision of our Rabbi. Contact the shul office anshemotele@sbcglobal.net for information on pricing and scheduling.
KIDDUSH: this shabbos is sponsored by Emily Morris and family commemorating Sam’s 25th yahrtzeit.
A hearty yasher koach to Michael Kirshner at Starr Kosher Catering for supplementing our shabbos kiddush each week. If you would like to sponsor a shabbos kiddush in memory of, honor of, or for a simcha, contact us via email anshemotele@sbcglobal.net. In the body of the email please include the week you would like, reason for kiddush and your name with phone number. We will contact you back with options, prices and available dates.
KIDDUSH FUND: .Please click HERE to help us continue this important event, or contact us via anshemotele@sbcglobal.net with your pledges. You count on us as a shul and we count on you as our members. Thank you.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom
Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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