A.M. Online Oct 15, 2021


Oct 15 – 22 2021 9 – 16 Mar Cheshvan 5782
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Masks are required for all attendees. Children under bar / bas mitzvah must sit with their adults and remain in their seats. No food allowed inside the building. Bottled water is acceptable since our public fountain is not being used. The kitchen is OFF LIMITS. All attendees must remain in their seats and no congregating in the hallways or other rooms. Keep social distancing. There will be no kiddushim until further notice. If you are not following the guidelines, you will be asked to leave the shul as we have some high risk members that will be at the shul.

Candle Lighting time
Fri Oct 15, 5:49

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY Oct 15th

Shacharis 7:00 at Shul

Mincha 5:45 at shul
CLT 5:49

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS Oct 16th

Shacharis 7 & 8:45 at Shul

Mincha 5:45 at shul

Maariv 6:30 at shul

SUNDAY Oct 17th

Shacharis 8:00 at shul

Mincha 5:45

Maariv 6:15

MONDAY Oct 18th

Shacharis 6:45 at Shul

Mincha 5:45

Maariv 6:15

TUESDAY Oct 19th

Shacharis 7:00 at Shul

Mincha 5:45

Maariv 6:15


Shacharis 7:00 at shul

Mincha 5:45

Maariv 6:15


Shacharis 6:45 at shul

Mincha 5:45

Maariv 6:15

FRIDAY Oct 22nd

Shacharis 7:00 at Shul

Mincha 5:45 at shul
CLT 5:38

Shabbos Schedule


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Please join together “virtually” this Shabbos afternoon, 5:00 to recite Tehillim. It is more important now than ever that our community comes together for this all important service. May HKB”H answer our tefillos speedily.

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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

We are introduced to Avrohom this week with what our Sages determine to be one of the 10 tests that he overcame. Here he is told to leave his home and go on “aliya” to the land destined to become Eretz Yisroel. Yet he is also promised wealth, fame, and success. The question we all ask ourselves is how many of us would drop everything to go on aliya if we were assured the same. Would we drop everything call Nefesh Bnefesh head to the airport and be on the next El-Al flight to Tel Aviv? I guess the answer is probably yes but for most of not necessarily a slam dunk. It’s a different culture, climate, topography, and filled with political intrigue. We are leaving our families, homes, and way of life. Furthermore, wealth fame and success carry its own challenges. How do we utilize this newfound world? Are we better able to manage this kind of success? These are but some of the challenges facing Avrohom. Thankfully he overcame those obstacles and hurdled past the finish line. His successful aliya spearheaded hundreds of thousands throughout Jewish history.  
ood Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Since we are not currently making the Mishebarach at Torah readings, in your private shmone esrai, you can include in the “Refaeinu” paragraph a special tefilla for the cholim that you have in mind.

Members Corner:
Mazel Tov to: Rabbi Michoel and Sarah Goodman on the recent birth of grandson, Yitzchok Yonah.
Mazel Tov to: Noah and Suzanne Mishkin on Bar Mitzvah of their son, Aiden. Grandparents Sherwin and Jan.

Mazel Tov to: Rabbi Menachem and Tovi Kirshner and grandparents, Sheldon and Toby on Bar Mitzvah of their sons, Shimon and Moshe.

Baruch Dayan HaEmes: Our Anshe Motele family wishes condolences to Michael Schwabacher on the loss of his mother Linda.


CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our OCTOBER calendars right here.

Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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