June 12 – 19 2020 20 – 27 Sivan 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson
We are looking at IY”H opening our shul next Shabbos shacharis June 20th Parshas Shlach. We will be opening in accordance with the CRC guidelines which you must review….click HERE for the letter. Please email the shul if you wish to attend at anshemotele@sbcglobal.net
Candle Lighting time
Fri June 12, 8:07
Schedule of Davening:
FRIDAY June 12th |
Shacharis 7:00/8:30 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
SHABBOS June 13th |
Shacharis 7:00/8:45 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 9:00 |
SUNDAY June 14th |
Shacharis 8:00 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
MONDAY June 15th |
Shacharis 6:45/8:30 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
TUESDAY June 16th |
Shacharis 7:00/8:30 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
WEDNESDAY June 17th |
Shacharis 7:00/8:30 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
THURSDAY June 18th |
Shacharis 6:45/8:30 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
FRIDAY June 19th |
Shacharis 7:00/8:30 |
Mincha 8:00 |
Maariv 8:30 |
Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Please join together “virtually” this Shabbos afternoon, 6:00 to recite Tehillim. It is more important now than ever that our community comes together for this all important service. May HKB”H answer our tefillos speedily.
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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨
Parshat Behalotcha takes us from a steady ride on the way to Eretz Yisroel to an abrupt halt and a delay of forty years to the Promised Land. The Parsha begins with the beautiful ceremony of the lighting of the menorah followed by the carrying of the Aron Kodesh and then: the rebellion of the manna, the scandal of the spies, Korach’s attempted coup; all in a matter of a few Parshiot and so soon after a seemingly quick entry to Eretz Yisroel.
We are living in very challenging times. Just a few months ago the American economy was flying high, airplane travel was at its peak, people were confident and nothing seemed to hold us back. And then; Covid 19, George Floyd, the recession, Synagogue closings, and need we say more. Our plans hopes and goals have been temporarily shattered. Yet as the saying goes hopes springs eternal. Like the Bnei Yisroel who overcame the challenge while travelling in the cloud of Glory we shall attempt the same, albeit in our own bubble of social isolation but nevertheless with the same emunah, faith and hope in Hakodesh Baruch Hu.
Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson
To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading and think about them in our private tefillos. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Since we are not at shul with Torah readings, in your private shmone esrai, you can include in the “Refaeinu” paragraph a special tefilla for the cholim that you have in mind.
Members Corner:
GRADUATES 2020: Please send us a list of your graduates so we can acknowledge them in the June 19th edition of the A.M. Online. Please text the names and places of graduation to the Rebbetzin at 224-877-0779 or email to sylvia.abramson18@gmail.com
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our JUNE calendars right here.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom
Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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