A.M. Online April 17, 2020


April 17 – 24 2020 23 – 30 Nissan 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Do to the COVID-19 virus, our shul remains temporarily closed until further notice as per the CDC guidelines. When you daven, please try to do so at our published times so we can all daven as a unit. All other shul functions are suspended.
The virus was discovered in our community so please take appropriate steps and follow all the safety guidelines to protect you and not to allow the spread of this virus.

Candle Lighting time
Fri April 17, 7:15

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY April 17th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:15
CLT 7:15

Shabbos Schedule
Count Sfira 9

SHABBOS April 18th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45
Shabbos M’vorchim

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 8:15
Count Sfira 10

SUNDAY April 19th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 11

MONDAY April 20th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 12

TUESDAY April 21st

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 13

WEDNESDAY April 22nd

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 14

THURSDAY April 23rd

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 15

FRIDAY April 24th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:30
CLT 7:23

Shabbos Schedule
Count Sfira 16


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Please join together “virtually” this Shabbos afternoon, 6:00 to recite Tehillim. It is more important now than ever that our community comes together for this all important service. May HKB”H answer our tefillos speedily.

Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading and think about them in our private tefillos. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Since we are not at shul with Torah readings, in your private shmone esrai, you can include in the “Refaeinu” paragraph a special tefilla for the cholim that you have in mind.

Members Corner:



Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

A.M. Online April 3, 2020


April 3 – 17 2020 9 – 23 Nissan 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Do to the COVID-19 virus, our shul remains temporarily closed until further notice as per the CDC guidelines. When you daven, please try to do so at our published times so we can all daven as a unit. All other shul functions are suspended.
The virus was discovered in our community so please take appropriate steps and follow all the safety guidelines to protect you and not to allow the spread of this virus.

See special Pesach halachos regarding all necessary preparations and laws special to this year.

Candle Lighting time
Fri April 3, 7:00
Wed April 8 7:04
Thurs April 9 8:07
Fri April 10 7:07
Tue April 14 7:11
Wed April 15 8:14

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY April 3rd

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00
CLT 7:00

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS April 4th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 6:15
Mincha 7:00

Maariv 8:00

SUNDAY April 5th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30

MONDAY April 6th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30

TUESDAY April 7th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30


Shacharis 7:00/8:30
Taanis Bechor
Chametz until 10:17
Biur before 11:35
See procedures below

Mincha 7:00
CLT 7:04
Eruv Tavshilin

Yom Tov Schedule
1st Seder

THURSDAY April 9th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:45
CLT 8:07
2nd Seder
Count Sfira 1

FRIDAY April 10th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Mincha 7:15
CLT 7:07

Shabbos Schedule
Count Sfira 2

SHABBOS April 11th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 8:10
Count Sfira 3

SUNDAY April 12th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 4

MONDAY April 13th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 7:45
Count Sfira 5

TUESDAY April 14th

Shacharis 6:30/8:30

Mincha 7:15
CLT 7:11

Yom Tov Schedule
Count Sfira 6

WEDNESDAY April 15th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 8:00
CLT 8:14
Count Sfira 7

THURSDAY April 16th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Mincha 7:15

Maariv 8:15
Count Sfira 8
No Chametz till 9:30

FRIDAY April 17th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:15
CLT 7:15

Shabbos Schedule
Count Sfira 9

Halachic Guidelines for Pesach 5780
Agudath Israel, Chicago Rabbinical Council

Dear Chicago Jewish Community,
The current situation demands of us to make several changes to our annual Pre-Pesach routine and rely upon available leniencies for extenuating circumstances such as these. Despite the current challenge and the modifications and limitations that are in place, we can rise as a community to have a meaningful and uplifting Pesach.

Please be advised of the following guidelines for our community-

Tevillas Keilim
At this time the keilim mikvahs are closed. For those buying new untensils for Pesach, the following options are available to be exempt from tevilla-
1. Sell the utensils to a Non-Jew and then borrow them to be used on Pesach. For those that won’t need to use the keilim until Erev Pesach, this can be included in the contract for Mechiras Chametz.
2. Make the utensils hefker in front of three people over the phone, or video conferencing. (The CRC has a service to help with this) Under these circunstances, when possible, it is praiseworth to use disposables or new utensils that don’t need tevilla. When the situation improves and it is deemed safe to use the keilim mikvah again, one should re-acquire the keilim and do tevillas keilim at that time with a bracha.

Biur Chametz
To prevent the gathering of people, there will be no public Biur Chameta this year. Additionally, for safety reasons, it is not advisable for individuals to make their own fires. The best approach under these circumstances is to simply throw excess chametz into the garbage and fulfill the mitzvah of biur chametz by taking 10 pieces of bread from bedikas chametz, crumble them into small pieces and flush them away during the time of Biur (prior to the end of the fifth hour of the day), followed by the declaration of Bitul.

Sellin Chametz Gamur
Individuals that ordinarilly do not sell chametz gamur should consider doing so this year. This will minimize the amount of store visits necessary and will help avoid potetial food shortages. Individuals that in the past did not sell chamez gamur may do so this year even without hatars nedarim (as long as they intend to continue their stringency in future years; otherwise hataras nedarim would be necessary).

Kashering and Cleaning for Pesach
All kashering should be done following the regular procedure of all other years. Individuals making Pesach for the first time should contact their Rav for guidance. Cleaning should be done well, but wit the extra pressures this year, we would like to remind the community what is halachically expected of them when cleaning.This is not a year that one should be unnecessarily machmir while Pesach cleaning-
Areas with no food contact (e.g. bedrooms, basement, living room etc) These areas only need to be cleaned to remove significant pieces of chametz. Technically, small crumbs do not need to be looked for.
Areas with food contact (e.g. kitchen, dining room, pantry) These areas need to be cleaned thoroughly. Any area that cannot be reached or well cleaned can be sprayed with a cleaning agent that will render any remaining chametz completely inedible.
Areas that are too difficult to clean should simply be locked up and included in the mechira.

Garbage Pickup
Due to the circumstances, the city will not be providing a special garbage pickup on Erev Pesach this year. Please not, however, that in Chicago the bins belong to the city and it is sufficient to just place all garbage into the bins before the zman issur. In neighborhoods where the bins are property of the homeowner, the garbage bins should be included in the Meciras Chametz. In both scenarios the bins should ideally be moved off the homeowner’s property.

Taanis Bechorim
Bechorim should ideally make their own siyum on Erev Pesach. A minyan is not needed for the siyum. Otherwise, this year it is acceptable to join a siyum via the phone or videoconfferencing and then something should be eaten in honor of the simcha. Check if your shul is providing a Siyum, alternatiely Agudath Israel will be providing siyumim. If one misses all the siyumim, he should not fast this year as it is important to maintain one’s strength.

Maos Chitim
Please remember to give generously to Maos Chitim. There are unfortunately more families than ever that can use the assistance. Thank You

With wishes for a healthy Chag Kasher V’sameach

Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst
Rabbi Yona Reiss
Rabbi Dovid Zucker
Rabbi Shmuel Y. Levin
Rabbi Zev Cohen
Rabbi Leonard Matanky
Rabbi Baruch Hertz

On Behalf of the Rabbanim of Chicago

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To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:

Happy Birthday to: Nathan Bernstein, April 1
Happy Anniversary to: Alan and Brenda Halpert, April 2
Happy Birthday to: Laura Smerling, April 4
Happy Birthday to: Sophia Matten, April 5
Happy Birthday to: Noreene Fleischer, April 9
Happy Birthday to: Max Castle, April 13

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our MARCH calendars right here.

Click this link
https://tinyurl.com/motelemechira and fill out.
OR if you can get to the Rabbi, use the form at the bottom of this page.


Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

Rabbi Abramson must receive this no later than
Monday morning April 6th, 2020

Mail this form to:
Rabbi Abramson, 6757 N. Whipple Av., Chicago, IL 60645
OR email the form to rabbiabramson18@gmail.com

Proxy Authorization for the Sale of Chametz Pesach, 5780

I (we), the undersigned, empower and permit Rabbi Alan M. Abramson to act in my (our) place and stead, and in my (our) behalf to sell all Chametz (leaven) and all products containing even the smallest percentage of Chametz possessed by me (us) knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law, and to lease all places wherein the above mentioned products owned by me (us) may be found, especially in premises located at:

of Individual or Family

Exact location of Chametz
(street address, apartment or suite, city, state, zip, country, or specific location within an address)

Time Zone:
Eastern, Central, Pacific, Israel or Other: (Specify)

Chametz at Home

Chametz at Work

Other Chamtez

Other Chametz

Your location when Pesach begins:

Your location when Pesach ends:

Rabbi Alan M. Abramson has the full right to sell and to lease the above items by such transactions, as he deems fit and proper, for such time as he chooses. The authority that is hereby given is meant to be in conformity with Jewish Law and Regulations, and also to be in accordance with the Laws of the State of Illinois and of the United States of America.

Signature (s)


A.M. Online March 27, 2020


March 27 – April 3 2020 2 – 9 Nissan 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Do to the COVID-19 virus, our shul remains temporarily closed until further notice as per the CDC guidelines. When you daven, please try to do so at our published times so we can all daven as a unit. All other shul functions are suspended.
The virus was discovered in our community so please take appropriate steps and follow all the safety guidelines to protect you and not to allow the spread of this virus.

Candle Lighting time
Fri March 27, 6:52

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY March 27th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00
CLT 6:52

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS March 28th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 6:15
Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:55

SUNDAY March 29th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30

MONDAY March 30th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30

TUESDAY March 31st

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30


Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30

THURSDAY April 2nd

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 7:00

Maariv 7:30

FRIDAY April 3rd

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00
CLT 7:00

Shabbos Schedule

Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:

Happy Birthday to: Jan Mishkin and Rafi Chalouh, March 27
Baruch Dayan Haemes: Our condolences go to Eddie Galster and family on the passing of his father. Shivah calls thru Wed AM are to be by phone 773-262-6283, face time, text or call 847-778-1532, email thegalsters@sbcglobal.net NO PERSONAL VISITS

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our MARCH calendars right here.

SELLING CHAMETZ/ PESACH: There will be 2 methods for selling your Chametz this year.
The first is through the web. Click this link
https://tinyurl.com/motelemechira and fill out.
OR use the form at the bottom of this page.


Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

Rabbi Abramson must receive this no later than
Monday morning April 6th, 2020

Mail this form to:
Rabbi Abramson, 6757 N. Whipple Av., Chicago, IL 60645
OR email the form to rabbiabramson18@gmail.com

Proxy Authorization for the Sale of Chametz Pesach, 5780

I (we), the undersigned, empower and permit Rabbi Alan M. Abramson to act in my (our) place and stead, and in my (our) behalf to sell all Chametz (leaven) and all products containing even the smallest percentage of Chametz possessed by me (us) knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law, and to lease all places wherein the above mentioned products owned by me (us) may be found, especially in premises located at:

of Individual or Family

Exact location of Chametz
(street address, apartment or suite, city, state, zip, country, or specific location within an address)

Time Zone:
Eastern, Central, Pacific, Israel or Other: (Specify)

Chametz at Home

Chametz at Work

Other Chamtez

Other Chametz

Your location when Pesach begins:

Your location when Pesach ends:

Rabbi Alan M. Abramson has the full right to sell and to lease the above items by such transactions, as he deems fit and proper, for such time as he chooses. The authority that is hereby given is meant to be in conformity with Jewish Law and Regulations, and also to be in accordance with the Laws of the State of Illinois and of the United States of America.

Signature (s)


A.M. Online March 20, 2020


March 20 – 27 2020 24 Adar – 2 Nissan 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Do to the COVID-19 virus, our shul remains temporarily closed until further notice as per the CDC guidelines. When you daven, please try to do so at our published times so we can all daven as a unit. All other shul functions are suspended.
The virus was discovered in our community so please take appropriate steps and follow all the safety guidelines to protect you and not to allow the spread of this virus.

Candle Lighting time
Fri March 20, 6:44

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY March 20th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45
CLT 6:44

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS March 21st

Shacharis 7:00/8:45
Shabbos M’vorchim

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:45

SUNDAY March 22nd

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

MONDAY March 23rd

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

TUESDAY March 24th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

WEDNESDAY March 25th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

THURSDAY March 26th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

FRIDAY March 27th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 7:00
CLT 6:52

Shabbos Schedule

Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

To all those who are not well as well as those worldwide with this virus. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:

Happy Birthday to: Jan Mishkin and Rafi Chalouh, March 27

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our MARCH calendars right here.

Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

COVID-19 Motele temporary closing notice

Please note that our shul will be following the CRC guidelines and be suspending all minyanim and activities until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you need your talis, tefillin or your siddurim etc from the shul, please contact carcastle@juno.com or rabbiabramson18@gmail.com to arrange. DO NOT go into the shul by yourself. There is no authorization given to anyone to enter without expressed permission from our Rabbi or officers.

As of now no reopening time is scheduled but we will keep you updated.

A.M. Online March 13, 2020


March 13 – 20 2020 17 – 24 Adar 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Candle Lighting time
Fri March 13, 6:36

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY March 13th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45
CLT 6:36

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS March 14th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 6:00
Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:40

SUNDAY March 15th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

MONDAY March 16th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

TUESDAY March 17th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

WEDNESDAY March 18th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

THURSDAY March 19th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 6:45

Maariv 7:15

FRIDAY March 20th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:45
CLT 6:44

Shabbos Schedule

Schedule of Classes and Shiurim
Sunday: Rabbi’s 15 min. Chumash class between Mincha and Maariv

Mondays-thru Friday
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch/parsha 15 min. between Mincha and Maariv

Monday Evening: Sheldon Kirshner. Chumash w/Malbim
Wednesday Evening: Rabbi Abramson- Rambam and Mishnayos
Shabbos Afternoon: Rabbi Abramson- Gemora/halacha shiur 45 minutes before mincha.


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Shabbos afternoon 5:30 at the Wolper home, 6731 N. Sacramento

Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:

Happy birthday to: Miriam Hubscher, March 16th
Happy Birthday to: Masha Matten, March 17th



CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our MARCH calendars right here.

Come check out our………
HOFFMAN HALL: We have a very nice venue for your middle-sized events, right here at our shul! The Hoffman Hall, is available for rent for your simchos, OR KIDDUSHIM! We offer comfortable seating for up to 200 people, with a kosher kitchen under the supervision of our Rabbi. Contact the shul office anshemotele@sbcglobal.net for information on pricing and scheduling.

KIDDUSH-: this shabbos is sponsored by the shul.
A hearty yasher koach to Michael Kirshner at Starr Kosher Catering for supplementing our shabbos kiddush each week. If you would like to sponsor a shabbos kiddush in memory of, honor of, or for a simcha, contact us via email anshemotele@sbcglobal.net. In the body of the email please include the week you would like, reason for kiddush and your name with phone number. We will contact you back with options, prices and available dates.

KIDDUSH FUND: .Please click HERE to help us continue this important event, or contact us via anshemotele@sbcglobal.net with your pledges. You count on us as a shul and we count on you as our members. Thank you.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

A.M. Online, March 6, 2020


March 6 – 13 2020 10 – 17 Adar 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Candle Lighting time
Fri March 6, 5:28

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY March 6th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:30
CLT 5:28

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS March 7th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 4:45
Mincha 5:30

Maariv 6:30

SUNDAY March 8th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 6:30

Maariv 7:00

MONDAY March 9th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 6:30

Maariv 7:00
Megillas Esther

TUESDAY March 10th

Shacharis 6:15/8:30

Mincha 5:00
Purim Seudah

Maariv 7:00

WEDNESDAY March 11th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:30

Maariv 7:00

THURSDAY March 12th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 6:30

Maariv 7:00

FRIDAY March 13th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 6:46
CLT 6:36

Shabbos Schedule

Schedule of Classes and Shiurim
Sunday: Rabbi’s 15 min. Chumash class between Mincha and Maariv

Mondays-thru Friday
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch/parsha 15 min. between Mincha and Maariv

Monday Evening: Sheldon Kirshner. Chumash w/Malbim
Wednesday Evening: Rabbi Abramson- Rambam and Mishnayos
Shabbos Afternoon: Rabbi Abramson- Gemora/halacha shiur 45 minutes before mincha.


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Friday at the Wolper home 20 minutes after CLT, 6731 N. Sacramento

Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:

Happy birthday to: Miriam Hubscher, March 16th
Happy Birthday to: Masha Matten, March 17th


PLEASE HELP OUR MINYANIM!!!!!!!! Especially weekday Mincha

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our MARCH calendars right here.

PURIM: Monday March 9th is Taanis Esther. Shacharis will be at 6:30 and 8:30, Mincha will be at 6:30 with Maariv at 7PM followed by Megilla reading.
Purim day shacharis will be at 6:15 and 8:30 with megilla reading at each minyan. Mincha will be at 5PM followed by our annual
Reservations for the seudah are now closed.
We will be presenting Carmen and Leo with a special gift from our membership as a special thank you for their many years of dedicated service to our shul.
Please help us with your contribution to make this a very substantial gift.

Come check out our………
HOFFMAN HALL: We have a very nice venue for your middle-sized events, right here at our shul! The Hoffman Hall, is available for rent for your simchos, OR KIDDUSHIM! We offer comfortable seating for up to 200 people, with a kosher kitchen under the supervision of our Rabbi. Contact the shul office anshemotele@sbcglobal.net for information on pricing and scheduling.

KIDDUSH-: this shabbos is sponsored by the shul.
A hearty yasher koach to Michael Kirshner at Starr Kosher Catering for supplementing our shabbos kiddush each week. If you would like to sponsor a shabbos kiddush in memory of, honor of, or for a simcha, contact us via email anshemotele@sbcglobal.net. In the body of the email please include the week you would like, reason for kiddush and your name with phone number. We will contact you back with options, prices and available dates.

KIDDUSH FUND: .Please click HERE to help us continue this important event, or contact us via anshemotele@sbcglobal.net with your pledges. You count on us as a shul and we count on you as our members. Thank you.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

A.M. Online Feb 28, 2020


Feb 28 – March 6 2020 3 – 10 Adar 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Candle Lighting time
Fri Feb 28, 5:19

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY Feb 28th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:15
CLT 5:19

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS Feb 29th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 4:30
Mincha 5:15

Maariv 6:20

SUNDAY March 1st

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

MONDAY March 2nd

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

TUESDAY March 3rd

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45


Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

THURSDAY March 5th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

FRIDAY March 6th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:30
CLT 5:28

Shabbos Schedule

Schedule of Classes and Shiurim
Sunday: Rabbi’s 15 min. Chumash class between Mincha and Maariv

Mondays-thru Friday
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch/parsha 15 min. between Mincha and Maariv

Monday Evening: Sheldon Kirshner. Chumash w/Malbim
Wednesday Evening: Rabbi Abramson- Rambam and Mishnayos
Shabbos Afternoon: Rabbi Abramson- Gemora/halacha shiur 45 minutes before mincha.


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Friday at the Wolper home 20 minutes after CLT, 6731 N. Sacramento

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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

This month is election month both locally and internationally. The latter requires us to register online with WZO and vote for the Orthodox Coalition. The registration fee is a reasonable 7.50 but it has the potential to result in millions for Orthodox institutions in Israel. We need therefore to join our fellow members, register to vote and of course consider the Orthodox Coalition as our choice.
Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:

Happy Birthday To: Emet Fleischer, Feb 28th


PLEASE HELP OUR MINYANIM!!!!!!!! Especially weekday Mincha

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our MARCH calendars right here.

PURIM: Monday March 9th is Taanis Esther. Shacharis will be at 6:30 and 8:30, Mincha will be at 6:30 with Maariv at 7PM followed by Megilla reading.
Purim day shacharis will be at 6:15 and 8:30 with megilla reading at each minyan. Mincha will be at 5PM followed by our annual
Please contact Rabbi Abramson to make your reservations for the Purim Seudah at
rabbiabramson18@gmail.com or at 773-793-3703
We will be presenting Carmen and Leo with a special gift from our membership as a special thank you for their many years of dedicated service to our shul.
Please help us with your contribution to make this a very substantial gift.

Come check out our………
HOFFMAN HALL: We have a very nice venue for your middle-sized events, right here at our shul! The Hoffman Hall, is available for rent for your simchos, OR KIDDUSHIM! We offer comfortable seating for up to 200 people, with a kosher kitchen under the supervision of our Rabbi. Contact the shul office anshemotele@sbcglobal.net for information on pricing and scheduling.

KIDDUSH-LUNCH: this shabbos is sponsored by Avi Fleischer and family in honor of Emet’s 4th birthday.
A hearty yasher koach to Michael Kirshner at Starr Kosher Catering for supplementing our shabbos kiddush each week. If you would like to sponsor a shabbos kiddush in memory of, honor of, or for a simcha, contact us via email anshemotele@sbcglobal.net. In the body of the email please include the week you would like, reason for kiddush and your name with phone number. We will contact you back with options, prices and available dates.

KIDDUSH FUND: .Please click HERE to help us continue this important event, or contact us via anshemotele@sbcglobal.net with your pledges. You count on us as a shul and we count on you as our members. Thank you.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
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  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

A.M. Online Feb 21, 2020


Feb 21 – 28 2020 26 Shevat – 3 Adar 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Candle Lighting time
Fri Feb 21, 5:11

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY Feb 21st

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:15
CLT 5:11

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS Feb 22nd

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 4:30
Mincha 5:15

Maariv 6:10

SUNDAY Feb 23rd

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

MONDAY Feb 24th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

TUESDAY Feb 25th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45


Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45


Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:15

Maariv 5:45

FRIDAY Feb 28th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:15
CLT 5:19

Shabbos Schedule

Schedule of Classes and Shiurim
Sunday: Rabbi’s 15 min. Chumash class between Mincha and Maariv

Mondays-thru Friday
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch/parsha 15 min. between Mincha and Maariv

Monday Evening: Sheldon Kirshner. Chumash w/Malbim
Wednesday Evening: Rabbi Abramson- Rambam and Mishnayos
Shabbos Afternoon: Rabbi Abramson- Gemora/halacha shiur 45 minutes before mincha.


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Friday at the Wolper home 20 minutes after CLT, 6731 N. Sacramento

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¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

“An Eye for an Eye Tooth for a Tooth:

This week’s Parshas Mishpatim, well known to every student of the Talmud enumerates the laws of damages, torts and property. Immediately following the narrative of the Sinai revelation the Torah emphasizes the natural transition to the laws of interpersonal relationships within a community of civil exchange.

One of the featured imperatives is that punishment should fit the crime. While Chazal explain that and eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth refer to a monetary compensation the Torah nevertheless emphasizes that one must accept responsibility for his actions and the punishment should be proportionate to the act.

One would need to be in a cocoon not to have an opinion of President Trump granting clemency to our former Governor Rod Blagojevich. Many feel that the punishment was disproportionate to the crime, that all politicians “horse trade” and Blagojevich was a victim of overzealous prosecution. If Biblical principles were invoked his sentence would have been far less than fourteen years in jail.

Yet when I listened to part of Mr. Blagojevich’s speech yesterday I was struck at how unrepentant he was for the actions he took and a failure to accept any responsibility for his actions. Sure one may criticize the length of the sentence but it should not preclude accountability for corruption and dishonest behavior.

Parhas Mishpatim concludes with yet another account of the Sinai revelation. Both immediately before and after the recitation of its laws do we find how they are sandwiched by Mount Sinai. This is our directive. All Torah law is a moral and ethical imperative, given to Moshe and the Bnei Yisroel at Sinai and we are to accept the Torah with complete subjugation to Hashem’s will.
Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:


PLEASE HELP OUR MINYANIM!!!!!!!! Especially weekday Mincha

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our FEBRUARY and MARCH calendars right here.

Come check out our………
HOFFMAN HALL: We have a very nice venue for your middle-sized events, right here at our shul! The Hoffman Hall, is available for rent for your simchos, OR KIDDUSHIM! We offer comfortable seating for up to 200 people, with a kosher kitchen under the supervision of our Rabbi. Contact the shul office anshemotele@sbcglobal.net for information on pricing and scheduling.

KIDDUSH-LUNCH: this shabbos is sponsored by our membership in honor of and in appreciation for the hard work of our dear Carmen and Leo Garcia as they prepare for retirement mid March, after near 30 years involved with taking care of our shul.
To show our appreciation of their service, we are recommending a donation of $100 per family from our Hemish Motele Family so we may present them with a generous retirement gift. Carmen and Leo are well-deserved of this special send off with our best wishes.
Also the kiddush is in memory of Rabbi Emanuel (Manny) Halpert OBM.
A hearty yasher koach to Michael Kirshner at Starr Kosher Catering for supplementing our shabbos kiddush each week. If you would like to sponsor a shabbos kiddush in memory of, honor of, or for a simcha, contact us via email anshemotele@sbcglobal.net. In the body of the email please include the week you would like, reason for kiddush and your name with phone number. We will contact you back with options, prices and available dates.

KIDDUSH FUND: .Please click HERE to help us continue this important event, or contact us via anshemotele@sbcglobal.net with your pledges. You count on us as a shul and we count on you as our members. Thank you.
Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele

A.M. Online Feb 14, 2020


Feb 14 – 21 2020 19 – 26 Shevat 5780
Rabbi: Alan M. Abramson


Candle Lighting time
Fri Feb 14, 5:02

Schedule of Davening:

FRIDAY Feb 14th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:00
CLT 5:02

Shabbos Schedule

SHABBOS Feb 15th

Shacharis 7:00/8:45

Class 4:15
Mincha 5:00

Maariv 6:00

SUNDAY Feb 16th

Shacharis 8:00

Mincha 5:00

Maariv 5:30

MONDAY Feb 17th

Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:00

Maariv 5:30

TUESDAY Feb 18th

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:00

Maariv 5:30


Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:00

Maariv 5:30


Shacharis 6:45/8:30

Mincha 5:00

Maariv 5:30

FRIDAY Feb 21st

Shacharis 7:00/8:30

Mincha 5:15
CLT 5:11

Shabbos Schedule

Schedule of Classes and Shiurim
Sunday: Rabbi’s 15 min. Chumash class between Mincha and Maariv

Mondays-thru Friday
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch/parsha 15 min. between Mincha and Maariv

Monday Evening: Sheldon Kirshner. Chumash w/Malbim
Wednesday Evening: Rabbi Abramson- Rambam and Mishnayos
Shabbos Afternoon: Rabbi Abramson- Gemora/halacha shiur 45 minutes before mincha.


Shabbos’ Women’s Tehillim: Friday at the Wolper home 20 minutes after CLT, 6731 N. Sacramento

Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

¨From the Rabbi’s Study¨

Good Shabbos
Rabbi A. M. Abramson

To all those who are not well. We mention their names at each Torah reading. Let Hashem hear our tefillos on their behalves, and all have a speedy recovery. If there is a choleh that needs a misheberach, please email their name to anshemotele@sbcglobal.net .
Members Corner:


Especially weekday Mincha

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Please link to our FEBRUARY calendars right here.

Come check out our………
HOFFMAN HALL: We have a very nice venue for your middle-sized events, right here at our shul! The Hoffman Hall, is available for rent for your simchos, OR KIDDUSHIM! We offer comfortable seating for up to 200 people, with a kosher kitchen under the supervision of our Rabbi. Contact the shul office anshemotele@sbcglobal.net for information on pricing and scheduling.

KIDDUSH-LUNCH: this shabbos is sponsored by Miriam Greenfield and Avi Soloveichik. A hearty yasher koach to Michael Kirshner at Starr Kosher Catering for supplementing our shabbos kiddush each week. If you would like to sponsor a shabbos kiddush in memory of, honor of, or for a simcha, contact us via email anshemotele@sbcglobal.net. In the body of the email please include the week you would like, reason for kiddush and your name with phone number. We will contact you back with options, prices and available dates.

KIDDUSH FUND: .Please click HERE to help us continue this important event, or contact us via anshemotele@sbcglobal.net with your pledges. You count on us as a shul and we count on you as our members. Thank you.

With great appreciation for the many years of hard work from our dear Carmen Garcia, we are asking the Anshe Motele family to pitch in for a monetary gift as she prepares for her retirement mid March. To show our appreciation for her, we are recommending a donation of $100 per family from our Hemish Motele Family. Carmen and Leo are well-deserving of this special send off with our best wishes. Online donation www.tinyurl.com/paymotele or see us in the shul.

Chicago Rabbinical Council: http://www.crcweb.org/
Orthodox Union http://oukosher.org
Link to Likutei Pshatim http://www.htc.edu/services/likutei-peshatim.html
Shabbat Shalom

Congregation Anshe Motele
6520 N. California
Chicago, IL 60645
Ph: 773-743-2420
Please do not reply to this email, the address is not monitored.

  • For subscription or to cancel, email us at shulbulletin@att.net
    If you wish to subscribe, type ‘subscribe’ in the Subject field. If you wish to unsubscribe, type ‘remove’ in the Subject field.
    Please forward to family and friends

TO DONATE: www.tinyurl.com/paymotele